Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Don't Neglect The Smaller Things In Life

I am always amazed and surprised (although I shouldn't be) at how effective Biblical counseling is in the 'smaller' issues of life. I often deal with emotional trauma from childhood, to current marriage issues and even substance addictions. What I am discovering is that the same Biblical counseling principles and practices equally apply to 'simpler' things like impatience, selfishness, or even foul language.

These may be trivial in some minds but they are devastating to a person and those around them. That is why taking a history is so important - not only to see the life-threads in a persons life, but also the triggers that they are dealing with that cause them to be impatient or selfish or foul mouthed. I would welcome any sharing on these 'not-so-big' topics. Ian

Monday, April 29, 2024

Some Good Sources of Information About Biblical Counselling

I am always excited to share what has been happening in Biblical counselling in my neck-of-the-woods, here in Southern Ontario, Canada. There are many well-qualified Biblical counsellors in our region whose hearts are always tuned to the Lord who is the "great Physician".

I am relatively new to Biblical counselling but have come under great tutelage from both within the church I attend and from outside sources. As well, there are often well-attended Biblical counselling conferences held nearby. The Canadian Biblical Counselling Coalition (CBCC) is a great source of materials and connections in the Biblical counselling field.

A brief surf on the internet to sites like Facebook and other Social Media will also uncover many other Biblical counselling resources.

Friday, April 19, 2024

Updates on the YBC Website and Other Things

After sorting out a few 'glitches' in setting up my "Your Biblical Counselor" (YBC) website, I can confirm that you can reach it at either: www.yourbiblicalcounselor.com OR www.yourbiblicalcounselor.ca. The former URL has been automatically forwarded to the latter.

Over the past few weeks I have had the privilege of counselling both in our church and outside the church. Both scenarios have their advantages and disadvantages. 

For in-church counselling, there is often the tendency to think that because there is no cost, the importance is somewhat diminished and appointments are at times more often broken.

For counselling outside the church, where there are usually fees, the counselee is much more likely to consider counselling with a higher importance, and won't miss appointments as frequently.

In either case, the actual counselling is identical.

Sunday, April 7, 2024

Your Biblical Counselor - Initial Post

Hello. I am excited to have my Biblical Counseling website up and running. I am now creating this blog to keep you updated on a more regular basis of what is happening in my Biblical Counseling ministry.

Please have a look at my website at: https://www.yourbiblicalcounselor.ca.

Here are some facts about Biblical counseling and why it is effective in counseling to all of life's issues.

  • Biblical Counseling is unique because of the use of the Bible as the primary source of counsel.
  • Other books written on various counseling subjects may also used but only as secondary tools.
  • It differs from Secular Counseling because it targets the heart, the center of our desires, emotions and will.
  • The results are solely dependent upon God and His Holy Spirit, not on man's efforts.
  • It is NOT behaviour modification but heart transformation.
  • A List of Some Common Biblical Counselling Topics

    Here are some of the more common Biblical counselling topics that I know of. I am sure this is not an exhaustive list though. And some topic...