Thursday, September 26, 2024

List of Some of God's Attributes



List of God's Attributes (author unknown)

Infinitude of God - God is Infinite (limitless). God is not limited by anything outside of His character. This applies to all of God’s attributes. (Example: The goodness of God means God is infinitely good, God is also infinitely just, infinitely immutable, etc...) 

God is Personal
 - God is a self-conscious Being capable of thought, will, and interaction with His creation.

Creator - The whole of creation came into existence through the will and power of God.

Life Giver All of life was and is created by God and is dependent on Him.

Immateriality of God
-The state or quality of being immaterial. God’s existence is non-physical, and is distinct from His creation.

Self-Existence of God
 - God has always existed. God does not have a beginning.

Self-Sufficiency of God
 - God has no needs, cannot improve and does not change. We, on the other hand, as created beings rely completely on God for our every breath.

Omnipresence of God
 - God is present everywhere at all times.

Omnipotence of God
 - God can do all things that are consistent with His character. God is all powerful.

Omniscience of God
 - God has all knowledge.

Sovereignty of God
 - God created everything and therefore all things are under His sovereign control.

Eternality of God
 - The Eternality of God refers to his timeless nature. God had no beginning, and will have no end.

Immutability of God
 - The Immutability of God means He cannot change in His nature, Character or dependability.

Perfection of God
 - God is completely flawless, lacks nothing and has no moral imperfection.

Holiness of God
 - God is set apart from His creation.

Wisdom of God
 - (omnisapience) By His omniscience, God perfectly knows all possibilities and what would happen if they came to pass. By His omnisapience, His wisdom is perfect so that He knows which course of action is the best.
Wrath of God - God’s moral Character leads Him to judgment and punishment of unrighteousness.

Grace, Mercy and Love of God
 - God’s dealing with His people are based on His goodness, compassion, concern and generosity; instead of what we truly deserve.

Impassability of God - God is without passions. He is not overwhelmed by any emotion, he is not incapacitated or weakened or stifled by any event or any amount of grief or love. Rather, God is totally self-controlled. While God does grieve, and does passionately love, he does so completely on purpose.

God is Truth - Absolute truth has its foundation in God Himself, because God is truth.

Justice of God
 - All of God’s judgments are infinitely and perfectly just.

Freedom of God
 - The freedom of God, also called divine freedom, designates that God is free and "not constrained by anyone other than himself. He does what he pleases and therefore he is always free... He is not bound to the dictates of anyone else. He does make promises, to be sure, which obligate him to do certain things, but he makes those promises voluntarily."
Jealousy of God
 -Throughout the bible, from Genesis to Revelation God always draws his people's attention to himself - not to personal holiness or social justice or any of the other good things that follow from a good relationship with God, but to himself. When his people's attention wanders from him, he's quick to draw them back. This attribute of God is known as his ``jealousy''. We usually think of jealousy as an ugly emotion, as when we want the success or money that someone else has. But there is also an absolutely right kind of jealously, and that is the reluctance of someone to allow others what is rightly his and his alone. The  classic example is of a husband and wife - each of them is, in the right sense,  jealous for the other. Neither will share the other with anyone else: the very  idea is abhorrent to them. In the same way, God will not accept the idea that he  has to share our passion and affection with anyone or anything else.[1] 

Simplicity of God
  - "The simplicity of God means that God is a unified being, without parts, – He is one essence. God is not composed of a variety of substances. In this sense he is different from humans who are made up of matter and spirit. Jesus is not an exception to this truth. While he took a human body while here on earth he is still absolute spirit in his essence.

Goodness of God
 - There is such an absolute perfection in God’s nature and being that nothing is wanting to it or defective in it, and nothing can be added to it to make it better.

Solitariness of God
 - There was a time when creation, even heaven, didn’t exist, but God’s glory did because He is from everlasting. There was a time when angels, nor humans were praising Him and He was still altogether wonderful. He is self-contained, self-sufficient, and  self-satisfied. He was under no compulsion to create out of necessity or deficiency. He created all things simply to display His glory. God could’ve very well chosen not to create and He still would be The Perfect One.[2]    

Veracity of God - This is that perfection of God in virtue of which He is  true in His inner being, in His revelation, and in
His relation to His people.  He is the true God over against the idols, knows things as they really are.

Decrees of God
 - The decree of God is His purpose or determination with respect to future things.

Foreknowledge of God
 - The fact is that "foreknowledge" is never used in Scripture in connection with events or actions; instead, it always has reference to persons. It is persons God is said to "foreknow," not the actions of those persons.[2]

Patience of God - the Divine patience is the power of control which God exercises over Himself, causing Him to bear with the wicked and forebear so long in punishing them. In Nahum 1:3 we read, "The Lord is slow to anger and great in power,"[3]

Immanence of God - The literal meaning of the immanence of God is "to be within" or "near" in relation to God's creation. Immanence is closely related to God's omnipresence, in that God is always present within the universe, though distinct from it. God is 'within' the universe in that God is its sustaining cause. God is active within His Creation. [4].

The Majesty of God -Sovereign power, authority, or dignity. It is also a reference to greatness or splendor of quality or character. 

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