Tuesday, September 10, 2024

The Bible is Clear About KUWA.

The Bible is quite clear about the progress from knowledge to understanding, to wisdom and finally to application.
Proverbs has many verses about this. To me it comes down to KUWA... Knowledge, Understanding, Wisdom, Application.
(K)NOWLEDGE... the awareness of facts.
(U)NDERSTANDING... the comprehension of such facts.
(W)ISDOM... the Biblical application of that knowledge and comprehension.
(A)PPLICATION... putting that wisdom into daily practice.
Many of us stop at knowledge. Others then do gain an understanding or comprehension of that knowledge. Fewer go on to gain wisdom from that understanding and even fewer actually apply the Biblical wisdom.
A simple example is our system of traffic lights.
KNOWLEDGE... there is a mechanical/visual system that controls traffic flow.
UNDERSTANDING... when a light in front of us is GREEN it is usually safe to GO or proceed. But when it is RED, we are to immediately STOP.
WISDOM... if we do not obey the lights, we can be in danger ourselves or be a danger to others. We can even face death and are certainly disobedient to the laws of the land. This is against Biblical teaching about authority.
APPLICATION... when I am driving, I am to stop at the red light and not proceed until is turns green. Even then, I am to observe from side to side to make sure it is safe to proceed, this is obedience to the traffic laws of the land. This is pleasing to the authorities and the Lord.
A wise-Christian, is one who is pleasing to the Lord, not because they know a lot of Bible verses (Knowledge). Nor even that they understand these verses or have gained Spiritual insight from these verses (Understanding), nor even know how to apply this wisdom (Wisdom)... but the one who lives out this wisdom in their day-to-day living for Christ (Application).
Try taking any Bible verse that has a promise, or command or wisdom about it and apply KUWA to it. Let me know how it works for you.

Examples: Prov 16:3, 1 Peter 5:7, Phil 4:6-8 etc, etc

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