Monday, July 1, 2024

Summertime is a Great Time to Relax and Reflect and Cast Our Anxieties on Him

It is only human nature that during the summertime, stress levels and anxiety tend to wain. Still, it is good to keep focused on Christ as our ultimate healer - physically, emotionally and spiritually.

The summertime is also a time to relax and reflect on faith, family and friends. Look outward, not inward during these brighter days. Our hurts, hang ups and habits may still be present, but a mind set on things above will always be better than one set on the horizontal.

God never rests, He is always present and faithful and loving and wants His children to be blessed with His peace (Shalom).

Please prayerfully seek His direction in becoming all that He has made you to be.

In Christs love, Your Biblical Counselor

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